Traditional and Non-Traditional Holiday Color Palettes with Hero Arts Layered Window Stencils

When it comes to Christmas design and decor, I almost always choose traditional elements. Red, green, white and gold are my go-to color choices but I always admire a non-traditional design for the holidays. I find it challenging to do myself but I'm pretty happy with how both of these cards turned out. Using the … Continue reading Traditional and Non-Traditional Holiday Color Palettes with Hero Arts Layered Window Stencils

Autumn Stenciling on Kraft Cardstock with September 2023 My Monthly Hero

Fall is finally, sorta, a little bit in the air in my neck of the woods and the September My Monthly Hero kit came at the perfect time. I was so excited for this autumn-themed kit, not only for the fall inspiration but also because it included some of my very favorite things from Hero … Continue reading Autumn Stenciling on Kraft Cardstock with September 2023 My Monthly Hero